Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A Word about Prodigal Priests

Today I want to share a word about Prodigal priests as I comment on passages from 1st Samuel.

Most people have heard about the Prodigal Son in the New Testament, but what about the Prodigal Priests of the Old Testament? We know that God is patient with prodigals, but does that patience ever run out? If you want to find out, join me in the video above.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A Word about John Q. Prodigal

Today I want to share a word about John Q. Prodigal I comment on Matthew 16:13-25. 

Most people have heard about the Prodigal Son, but what about John Q. Prodigal? If you want to find out, join me in the video above!

Every blessing,

Dr. Otis Corbitt

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A Word about the Prodigal Family

Today I want to share a word about the Prodigal Family as I comment on Luke 15:11-32.

Most people have heard about the Prodigal Son, but what about the Prodigal God? If you want to find out, join me in the video above as I comment on Luke 15:11-32.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

A Word about the Light of the Gospel


Today I want to share a word about the light of the Gospel as I comment on 2 Corinthains 5:1-6. 

The light of the Gospel is glorious, but Satan can also appear as an angel of light. What part do believers play as God shines the light of the Gospel on a world that needs it desperately? Learn more in the video above!

Every blessing,

Dr. Otis Corbitt

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

A Word about How God Changes Us


Today I want to share a word about how God changes us as I comment on 1 Corinthains 15:1-10. 

Can people change or are we all doomed to live in the chains of our own prison until we die? The answer is that God, and only God can change us, and the New Testament writers told of how God changes us--for the better!  Learn more in the video above!

Every blessing,

Dr. Otis Corbitt

A Word about Spiritual Warfare on the Road to the Cross

Today I want to share a word about spiritual warfare on the road to the cross as I comment on Mark 5. Let’s begin by reading Mark 5:1-5.  Th...